Sunday, September 29, 2024
Preaching: Pastor Scott Nichols
Scripture: Luke 11:3;
Matthew 7:9-11; Proverbs 30:7-9
The Catechism on the Lord’s Prayer: Q&A 125
Message: “Lord, Teach Us to Pray: Give”
WELCOME! We are glad you’ve joined us to worship the one and only true God of grace. May we together worship and adore His holy name. Please stay for refreshments and fellowship following worship.
Next Sunday we will be celebrating World Communion Sunday. Please use this coming week to prepare your hearts to share in the Lord's Supper with millions of believers around the globe.
Sunday School begins this morning at 9 a.m.
Children & Worship today during the worship service for children ages 3 – Kindergarten. Children will be dismissed with their teachers at a marked point in the service to go to the basement for worship.
Greeters: Today: Chad & Tara Wentland; Next Week at the CRC: Troy & Laura Noteboom
Nursery: Today: Rachel Van Zee; Next Week: Bridget Veurink
Praise Teams: Today: Dennis, Vicki, Bethany, Sharon; Next Week: Tom, Cassie, Lindsey, Kylee
CRC Offering: Today: Rock Valley Flood Relief; Next Week: Tim & Tara Chamberlain
Parking Lot: Today: Richard & Kris VZ; Next Week: Elroy Z.
Children & Worship: Today: “The Good Shepherd,” Rachel & Kailahni; Next Week: “The Good Shepherd & the Lost Sheep,” Jodie & Tryton
Chapel Cleaning:
Cleaning supplies and an instruction sheet can be picked up
in the SE entry of the CRC. Batteries must be recharged in
the room just to the east of the pulpit area.
Wk of Sept. 30: Grant VanZee
Wk of Oct. 7: Corey VanderPol
Wk of Oct. 21: Cal Zomer
Anyone wishing to be added
or removed from the chapel cleaning list, please let Kim
Zomer know at 680-4249.
Worship in October: Worship services for October will be held at the CRC facility. Messages are offered electronically as well, streaming live at 10 a.m. on YouTube (link will be posted on Facebook), as well as broadcasting in Corsica on channel 95.
Greeters in August: Oct. 6: Troy & Laura Noteboom; Oct. 13: Bernard & Genevieve Schelling; Oct. 20: Dave & Ann Scholten; Oct. 27: Travis & April VanDyke
Prayers for God’s People:
Please pray for Joyce Brink who is suffering a femur break falling a fall on Sunday night.
Please continue to pray for those in our church family and extended family dealing with health issues: Ken Niewenhuis, Tiffany Mailey, MaryLou Kredit, Bob & Bobbie Nichols, Joyce Brink, Wilma VandenHoek, Verlin VanderWal, Vicki Lubbers, Neil Hall, Dick Bordewyk, Birdie Schoon and Chad Wentland.
Please pray for families in our church as they daily care for loved ones in need, as well as for the health of our church family members, especially those most vulnerable in the nursing home and Leisure Living.
Luke 15 Prayer List: Aaron, Elias, Mike, Dave.
Happy Birthday to Patty Ligtenberg and Rogan Van Dyke (Sept. 29), Ryan Hongslo and Robert Nichols (Sept. 30), Wylie DeLange (Oct. 1) and Walker BaanHofman (Oct. 5). Have a great day!
Opportunities to Grow and Serve
Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School at Grace
10:00 a.m. Morning Worship / Children & Worship at Grace
6:30 p.m. Young Women’s Bible Study at Grace
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Women’s Bible Study at CRC (Session 2)
Center of Hope still has boxes in the Grace mailbox room. The first load will be delivered tomorrow. Thank you to those who have donated. If you haven’t gone through your closets yet, please do so.
A substitute Sunday School teacher is still needed for the 6-8th grade class to help to help if the regular teacher is gone. Please contact Danelle Sonnenberg if you are willing to help.
Save the date! The date has been set for the Women of Grace Soup Supper/Bazaar on Wednesday, Nov. 6. Start getting your crafts ready.
Serving at The Banquet: We will be serving the evening meal at The Banquet in Sioux Falls on Wednesday, Oct. 23. Twenty or more people are needed to help serve. An additional four people are needed to go early to help prepare the meal. A signup sheet is in the back of the church.
Help needed. The Grace Church is in need of janitors for the months of November and December.
Do you have a need? Or know someone in need in our church family? Please contact Elaine DeVries at 680-4181 or Laura Noteboom at 201-9171 with requests for church family support. No need is too great or too small when we all work together to meet it.
Grace/CRC Church Family: “Rejoice with those who rejoice! Walk beside the weary.” If you are interested in being on a list of those helping to meet needs of our church family, please contact Elaine DeVries at 680-4181 or Laura Noteboom at 201-9171. This may involve anything from meal prep to yard work so all are welcome to be part of a contact list about needs. You may then decide if you can help with that particular need.
Requested Announcements
You are invited to Harrison Community Church Sunday evening, Oct. 13 at 7:00 pm for Request Program and refreshments to follow. Sponsored by the Women's Organization.
This fall Amendment G will be on our ballots. This amendment would legalize painful, late-term abortions, including abortions after the baby is viable outside the womb and up to the point of birth. Please pray that South Dakota voters would vote to protect unborn lives.