Corsica CRC


Sunday, January 19, 2025



Preaching: Pastor Scott Nichols

Scripture: Matthew 20:25-28 (ESV)

Message: “Servant-Leaders”




WELCOME! We worship a sovereign God Who is in complete control of everything that has been, is now and ever will be. We are glad you’ve joined us in worshiping Him! Thank you to Ruth Wolbrink, Elroy Zomer, and Cal & Kim Zomer for their ministry of music this morning. We invite all to stay for refreshments and fellowship following worship.

Installation: This morning we also thank God for the leadership of our church as we install officers. Chad VanderPol will be installed as Elder for the CRC. Bruce Zomer and Scott Muckey will be installed to the office of elder and Devin Veurink and Trent VandenHoek to the office of deacon for Grace. Thank you to retiring officers Gord Feenstra, Lowell DeVries, Darren Feenstra, Tyler Wickstrom and Mike Plooster for their years of faithful service. We invite all to stay for refreshments and fellowship following worship.


Greeters: Today: Gord & Betty Feenstra; Next Week: Brandon & Amy Hislop

Nursery: Today: Rachel Van Zee; Next Week: Bridget Veurink

Praise Teams: Today: Mike, Jodie, Bethany, Vicki; Next Week: Dennis, Heidi, Marsha, Cassie

CRC Offering: Today: Dakota Christian School; Next Week: We Care Fund

Parking Lot: Today: Elroy Z.; Next Week: Cal & Kim Z.

Children & Worship: Today: “Jesus in the Wilderness,” Kathy & Lauryn; Next Week: “The Followers of Jesus,” Max & Remi VH


Worship in January: Worship services for January will be held at the CRC facility. Messages are offered electronically as well, streaming live at 10 a.m. on YouTube (link will be posted on Facebook), as well as broadcasting in Corsica on channel 95.

Praise Teams: If you love to sing, we would love to have you join our dedicated group of praise team singers. We practice just before the service at 9:25 a.m. and help lead 2-4 songs in the service. All ages welcome! If you are interested in being part of the schedule, contact Kim at 680-4249.

Greeters: We are excited to welcome new families to our worship family! If anyone would like to be added to the greeting list, please let Kim know at 680-4249. The more we have on our list, the more we share the load.


Prayers for God’s People:

  • Please continue to pray for those in our church family and extended family dealing with health issues: Barbara Noteboom, Tiffany Mailey, Gord & MaryLou Kredit, Bob & Bobbie Nichols, Verlin VanderWal, Neil Hall, Dick Bordewyk and Birdie Schoon.

  • Please pray for families in our church as they daily care for loved ones in need, as well as for the health of our church family members, especially those most vulnerable in the nursing home and Leisure Living.

  • Luke 15 Prayer List: Aaron, Elias, Mike, Dave.


We extend Christian sympathy to the family and friends of Wilma VandenHoek following her passing January 11. May God lend comfort during this time of mourning.

We extend Christian sympathy to Jean Schelling in the loss of her sister-in-law, Shirley Weisser. May the God of all mercy and grace comfort you.

Thank You: The family of Ken Niewenhuis thanks you for the prayers, food, cards, visits, money, flowers, and support you have given these past few weeks, help with the funeral, and your continued kindness. All is so much appreciated.

Happy Birthday to Bruce Zomer (Jan. 19). Have a great day!


Opportunities to Grow and Serve

Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School at CRC
            10:00 a.m. Morning Worship / Children & Worship at CRC

Monday 7:00 p.m. Women’s Bible Study at CRC
               7:00 p.m. Leadership Meetings at CRC:
                                1) CRC; 2) Joint; 3) Grace


Summer camp or bust! Jr. Mints are selling a chance to win a 1/4 beef with locker processing included! Drawing Feb 9 at 4:15 p.m. on Jr. Mints Facebook live. 1 ticket for $15; 3 tickets for $25; 5 tickets for $40. Contact a Jr. Mint member or Wade/Lindsey Groeneweg or Heidi. Checks payable to Jr. Mints or Venmo @Heidi-Mehlhaf or @LindsGroeneweg. All proceeds go to summer camp expenses.

One potato, two potato, three potato! CCYG is having a Top Your Tater after church services on Sunday, Feb. 2, serving from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. All proceeds go to the serve trip to TN.

Opportunity to serve: Grace is in need of volunteers to sign up for janitorial duties for this year. Please check the sign-up sheet, grab a friend and sign up. Many hands make light work.

Do you have a need? Or know someone in need in our church family? Please contact Elaine DeVries at 680-4181 or Laura Noteboom at 201-9171 with requests for church family support. No need is too great or too small when we all work together to meet it.

Grace/CRC Church Family: “Rejoice with those who rejoice! Walk beside the weary.” If you are interested in being on a list of those helping to meet needs of our church family, please contact Elaine DeVries at 680-4181 or Laura Noteboom at 201-9171. This may involve anything from meal prep to yard work so all are welcome to be part of a contact list about needs. You may then decide if you can help with that particular need.

Greeter/Coffee Servers for February at Grace: Feb. 2 – Londa, Trent & Abby VandenHoek; Feb. 9 – Grant & Shannun VanderWal; Feb. 16 – Allan & Terri VanRoekel and Feb. 23 – Goldie VanRoekel and Carol Rexwinkel. The schedule for the rest of 2025 is posted in the mail box room at Grace.


Requested Announcements

You’re invited! The Everson - Beukelman American Legion Post 274 will be hosting their annual Soup Lunch on Saturday, Jan. 25 from 11:30 a,m, to 1 p,m, at the Legion Hall. Come join us for soup, sandwiches and desserts! Thank you for your support!